Ethics in Policing is designed to educate the officer on the moral principles that govern the profession and the standards by which the profession must operate to maintain the public’s trust. The course will define moral character and review excessive use of force, misuse of authority, sexual harassment, stalking, unprofessional relationships, making false statements, unlawful use of controlled substances, acts of improper communications, fraud, tampering with evidence, illegal arrest, and divulging confidential information. It also explores police culture and challenges officers to be more accountable for their actions.
(8 Hour Course)
For those seeking a more comprehensive understanding of human diversity, we offer an intensive 40-hour course that delves deeper into law enforcement officers' challenges with the community. Through instruction, open dialogue, and real-world scenarios, this course provides an in-depth exploration of topics, allowing for a more thorough understanding and application of the differences among groups based on race, age, gender, socioeconomic status, social viewpoints, political affiliations, and life experiences. It also includes instruction on social norms, sub-culture, cross-cultural relations, human development, and life stages, all with a focus on real-world applicability and the relevance to law enforcement.
(8 Hour abridge course also available)
Frontline supervisors serve as a critical foundation within a police organization, acting as the essential bridge between the higher command staff and the patrol division. Their role is pivotal as they directly influence the behaviors and actions of patrol officers, shaping the overall effectiveness of law enforcement practices in the community. This course is designed to equip these frontline supervisors with advanced communication techniques that are vital for their role. We provide a comprehensive toolkit and strategies to enhance their interactions with officers and community members.
Participants will learn how to navigate challenging conversations, de-escalate tense situations, and foster a positive environment that promotes officer well-being and community trust.
(8 Hour Course)
Use of force has been in news headlines. With excessive use of force at the forefront of police reform, our goal is to educate officers on why alternative methods should be used first to detain or apprehend suspects. This course will delve into portions of police culture that promote the use of brutality and violence and review cases of police-related arrest fatalities. The instructor will review national use of force standards, identify the most common types of excessive force, and discuss the legal ramifications of being convicted of a force-related crime. The course also teaches alternatives to physical force, including verbal communication skills, persuasion and negotiation strategies, and nonfatal physical engagement.
(8 Hour Course)
The 21st century has introduced a new range of crimes that law enforcement departments must investigate. Electronic crimes, such as online threats, wire fraud, telecommunications violations, and unauthorized wire transfers, have become widespread. While traditional investigative methods remain important, investigators must also adopt new techniques, particularly in the realm of electronic investigations. Additionally, interview techniques for suspects and the development of informants have evolved. This 8-hour course serves as a practical guide, specifically designed to equip officers with the essential tools needed to effectively investigate and solve both simple and complex crimes, ensuring thorough and efficient handling of any investigative situation.
(8 Hour Course)
The Opioid epidemic has ushered in a new wave of drug use and sales. Along with methamphetamine, heroin, and codeine, drug trafficking has become more mainstream, affecting suburban America as well as urban cities. Even the profile of narcotics traffickers has changed to include avid chemists, doctors, college students, and suburban housewives. This 8-hour training seeks to educate participants on the growing drug crisis and law enforcement's role. Participants will be instructed on how to identify different drugs, drug users, the effects of drugs on users, and how to recognize dealers. Training components include the legalities of drug use and sales, including IV Amendment rights, search warrant execution, basic safety protocol for surveillance and undercover work, best practices to establish probable cause, ways to vet, develop, and maintain informants, and how to engage communities to reduce drug sells and use.
(8 Hour Course)
Police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and other first responders face stress and trauma as part of their duty. Many may experience Post-traumatic Stress Syndrom (PTSD), or Complex Tramch, which is caused by repeated exposure to violence or the result of seeing violent events over a period of time. If left untreated, these experiences can lead to possible mental health issues and physical illnesses. This course empowers first responders with knowledge and practical coping strategies. It will educate participants on the causes, symptoms, and effects of PTSD and complex trauma, how the brain responds to stress and trauma, methods that can be used to manage exposure to traumatic events, and how to cope with occupational stress in work environments.
(8 Hour Course)
Executive police management is a complex balancing act that requires careful consideration of the needs of police officers, the Mayor, the local council, and the general public. This course highlights the importance of continuous growth and learning for executives, equipping them with practical strategies to effectively communicate goals and cultivate positive attitudes and professionalism, even in their absence. The course aims to break down barriers hindering effective decision-making and responses in high-pressure situations. It promotes a servant-leader mindset, encouraging executives to prioritize the welfare of their officers and the community they serve. Additionally, the course introduces innovative techniques designed to engage and connect with the next generation of law enforcement officers, ensuring that leadership remains dynamic and responsive to the evolving needs of the profession. Through this training, participants will enhance their leadership capabilities and contribute to a more cohesive and effective police force.
(8 Hour Executive Leadership Course)
This comprehensive course is designed to significantly improve officers' written communication skills, with a strong emphasis on report writing. Participants will learn sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and accurate spelling. Participants will engage in practical report-writing exercises that simulate real-life situations, honing their ability to convey information clearly and effectively. The curriculum also features specialized techniques for situational writing and thorough instruction on presenting testimony in court. Through scenarios and hands-on practice, officers will gain the confidence and competence needed to excel in all facets of their duties as police officers.
(8 Hour Course)